What does a Nomadough event look like?

You tell us! If you like your style, fresh, comforting yummy food then we are for you. We are open to your ideas.

We can bring a street food vibe or we can organise a beautiful deconstructed buffet with breads, salads, meats and sides. We can collaborate our ideas together to bring you your dream event.

Truck option

We can offer a flat wrap or a focaccia sandwich for both vegetarian guests and meat lovers.

Then you can choose a choice from our sides.

Example of our bundles -

Janja Flat wrap

& Rainbow slaw


Chick with a kick

& Pomegranate salsa


Guests can come up and mix and match to there hearts content!

Buffet option

We can design a perfect walk up buffet for your guests. Collaborating our Menu and your tastes.

Example -

Chunky sourdough slices

Pulled chick with a kick chicken

Our Flatty flat iron steak

Lee Lee sweet potato and chickpea salad

Coriander Quinoa with red onion

Rainbow slaw salad

Tomato and pomegranate salsa

Large green salad with a coconut dressing

Coriander chutney
